Bio Tools for Bipasana

About Bio Tools

My name is Bipasana Shakya. I study power of chances trillions of small biologics have in blocking protein-protein interactions and how they can improve diseased coditions.

I'm just a curious perosn who likes to test ideas and learn from them. Research in early discovery biochemistry brings the most out of me, troubleshooting is my favorite aspect of being a bench scientist.

In my grad school I had tumultuous task of going back and forth different online bioinformatics tools, with tonnes of tabs open to perform different calculations. So here I've created a single platform, where I could find all the basic tools I often needed- 'Bio Tools for Bipasana'. FYI, I still have hundred something tabs open. However, if I need to design primers, translate DNA to RNA or protein sequences: Translation and Transcription Tools are handy or calculate diversity of degenerate codons, I use diversity calculator, in a single platform. Hope you find this extremely useful too!

I also want to use this platform to share my stories, experiences and things that excite me. Thank you for visiting here, let me know if you want to have a chat.

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I've been working on a few projects, and I'm excited to share them with you.

Food for thought

I've been working on a few projects, and I'm excited to share them with you.

Copyright 2024, Bio Tools for Bipasana

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